MOOwards: Who abducted my points and are they coming back?
We know how much you love racking up those MOOward points, and we're super grateful for your loyalty! However, due to our recent move to a new website host, your MOOward points are temporarily unavailable. Don't worry, though—we're diligently working behind the scenes to migrate all your previous shopping accounts and points. We expect everything to be up and running within the next few days. Though, due to behind the scenes configuration differences between our prior and new host, we are unable to migrate actual order records.
We truly appreciate your patience and understanding during this transition. Our goal is to make this switch as smooth as possible, and we’re confident that the new platform will be moo-tastic! With a more seamless, responsive design, we're excited for you to explore and enjoy.
Thank you for being part of our amazing community. Stay tuned for updates, and in the meantime, happy shopping!
Warm wishes,
ShayKay Studio